Sunday, April 15, 2012

Whoops! Skipped March, sorry! Five second update :
-HUGE thunderstorm  Thursday night ( as in 11-2)
-Joined a writer's society , LOVING IT
-Had a sewing day yesterday with My beeffeff , Lena
( )
  ^ her blog
-Easter with the fam + Olivia who is awesome

 So  yesterday was the sewing day, and I had to have Lena watch Downton Abbey  because she hadn't seen it before *gasp*, and then of course I  just had to watch another after she left  around 11pm so my family and I stayed up pretty late 'cuz they got wrapped up too. And of course I was up at seven ( does anyone else do that; stay up late and wake up early when you could sleep in ?) so I went on  youtube and guess what ?!?! HANK GREEN (of the vlog brothers) IS MAKING Pride and Prejudice IN TO A SIERES OF CONTEMPORARY VIDEO BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Words do not describe how stoked I am.  watch them here.  Oh and 4/20 is next friday, ( for those of you who don't know what that is  it's this thing where people get together and smoke weed), and because UCSC is so close Lena  and I have decided to go up there and sell *normal brownies to all the stoners. Cha-ching!