Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well the Greek is a great venue, the String Cheese Incident are a great band, and dancing the night away is one of my favorite things to do; so having your parents be buddies with the band is just icing on the cake.

Let me put it this way: backstage at the Greek Theater in Berkeley is really nice.

 And  oddly enough one's self-consciousness about dancing tends do disappear when one is surrounded by people dancing twice as crazily as you ever could, like literally leaping around, limbs flailing crazy. It's pretty great, and this coming from one of the people who weren't high.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Flashy,Classy,and just a little bit Trashy

Now I know you're all wondering "what happened to this amazing blogger this month?".Well if you are that sucks, because I'm going to talk about something completely different.

Life gets boring. Face it. Despite the fact that  there are  over seven billion people to interact with, hundreds of indoor activities available to you (not counting the black hole that is the internet), and tons of things to do outside, you get stuck in a rut. Maybe you are out of ways to occupy your time, or to full of them. Or you'd just like to sit around watching (or re-watching) Downton Abby all day. I find that one of the best cures for boredom is to go about your daily, mundane, routine... with a twist.
Here's some of my favorite :

     1. Instead of swearing say AYYY
     2. Speak poetically

     3. attempt communication using only your eyes/eyebrows

     4. when ordering food/coffee give the name of a fictional character
          ex. "One super-foamy frappachino for Batman."

Go forth and conquer boredom minions !
 -that didn't sound nearly as nerdy in my head

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Whoops! Skipped March, sorry! Five second update :
-HUGE thunderstorm  Thursday night ( as in 11-2)
-Joined a writer's society , LOVING IT
-Had a sewing day yesterday with My beeffeff , Lena
( )
  ^ her blog
-Easter with the fam + Olivia who is awesome

 So  yesterday was the sewing day, and I had to have Lena watch Downton Abbey  because she hadn't seen it before *gasp*, and then of course I  just had to watch another after she left  around 11pm so my family and I stayed up pretty late 'cuz they got wrapped up too. And of course I was up at seven ( does anyone else do that; stay up late and wake up early when you could sleep in ?) so I went on  youtube and guess what ?!?! HANK GREEN (of the vlog brothers) IS MAKING Pride and Prejudice IN TO A SIERES OF CONTEMPORARY VIDEO BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Words do not describe how stoked I am.  watch them here.  Oh and 4/20 is next friday, ( for those of you who don't know what that is  it's this thing where people get together and smoke weed), and because UCSC is so close Lena  and I have decided to go up there and sell *normal brownies to all the stoners. Cha-ching!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

 Why can't it be spring already? I well aware I don't have much to complain about, but winter here is fun for the first week or two, then it sucks. Oh and there's always a mini heat wave in January that gets everyone excite but then it gets WINDY and you begin to wonder what a sunny day felt like. Okay, rant over. Wait.... colds suck too >( . Now I'm done. Well I've managed to hold true to my resolution, though I admit if this weren't a leap year I'd be screwed. Those of you with siblings know what a love-hate relationship it can be, but I gotta say my sister has taken a turn for the nicer. I've been fairly sick this past week and she's been an angel. Plus she read and liked Harry Potter , so we've got a lot to obsess over (RON ). Okay I'll end with three facts:
I am a readaholic.
I am learning Spanish .
I look awful in pink.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resoultioning(again) and String Cheese Incidents

 Okay so now we all know what not really following up on a resolution looks like ..... (me).
How 'bout a new deal ? Once a month I'll do a post. okay? okay.
 By the way I mentioned something about how I like Downton Abbey , Jane Austen novels , and anything Sherlock Holmes-y to my mom and she called me an anglophile which apperently is someone who likes British stuff. haha I should call this blog "Confessions of an Anglophile "... It's probably taken though have you noticed that all good blog names have already been used ?? It's like band names , I mean is there anyway to trump The Sex Pistols ,The All American Rejects , even the String Cheese Incident has been taken. Seriously. Lately I've been spending a ton of time on  You Tube , and I would say  wasting a ton of time , but have you ever seen a Vlog Brothers video ? They are AWESOME .  Go watch one RIGHT NOW. And they have this really cool thing they say "D.F.T.B.A." DFTBA: Don't Forget To Be Awesome . So don't okay ? Go out there and do something awesome ,whether it be hugging someone or baking a cake or giving food to a homeless person.